I actually started reviewing through Facebook groups. With groups it is done a bit different. Of course each group has their own rules. Most will have forms for you to fill out. They do this to keep track of who is doing what. I started a with two groups and then quickly added more. I think I am in about at least a dozen groups right now. I will list the ones that are closed, meaning you have to ask to join but usually they will add you. I belong to a few secret ones and what that means is you have to be added by the administrators and they usually only do that when they need more members. If any of these open up and we are told to add people I will notify everyone by Facebook and this blog. So here are the Facebook groups. Just enter the name into the search bar on Facebook and when you get to that page click the join button. Remember, these are only a few of the hundreds out there. But they are the ones I know of personally.
Shop with reviews
GPT genuine product testers
It's for review
Lady Luck reviews
Product testers review club VIP
Vixen reviews
B#/$! Here's your review (don't let the name fool you, it's an awesome group)
Top quality reviewers
Wonderful reviewers
Helpful reviewers
Amazon reviewer deal alerts
Reviewers united
One last group is not for deals but more for support. I've learned a lot there
Reviewer community helpline.
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